Where to start

Most of my books can be read in any order, so start where interests you! (But you do want to read the Mysterious Fields trilogy in order.)

I also have more suggestions on reading order if you’re looking to follow threads of particular characters.

Need one suggestion? 

I recommend Pastiche as a book that has all the things my books do – 1906 arranged marriage to love match while tackling a puzzle about some stained glass.

Other options

These books are all great starting places, recommended by my readers. The first two are novellas (and Ancient Trust is available for free). Or you can check out the series starters.

Showing books 1-8 of 8

Period: 1920s

Romance: Not a romance

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Cover of Ancient Trust: A man with a monocle picked out in gold stands by a table stacked with books. An owl is inset in the top left.
Ancient Trust
Forged in Combat

Period: Edwardian

Romance: M/F, Late in life romance

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Cover of Sailor's Jewel. A plump woman in flowing artistic dress and a man in an Edwardian suit are silhouetted against a blue background. An ocean liner is behind them, bow facing the viewer.
Sailor's Jewel

Period: Edwardian

Romance: M/F, First relationship

Content notes: Click here to reveal

Cover of Pastiche. A man and woman in Edwardian dress silhouetted against a bright teal background, with a stained glass window in golden yellow and muted purple behind them.

Period: 1920s

Romance: M/F

Content notes: Click here to reveal

Cover of Wards of the Roses. A man and woman in 1920s clothing silhouetted on a red background that shades to vivid orange-peach at the bottom. A rose is inset in the top right.
Wards of the Roses

Period: 1920s

Romance: M/F, Bisexual

Content notes: Click here to reveal

Cover of Goblin Fruit. A man and woman in 1920s dress are silhouetted on a glowing red and golden yellow background. She turns toward him and he holds her hand. A bottle of golden liquid is inset in the top right corner.
Goblin Fruit

Period: 1920s

Romance: M/F

Content notes: Click here to reveal

Cover of Eclipse, with a man and woman wearing academic robes in silhouette on a twilight blue and sunset orange background. She is gesturing up toward the sky. A telescope is inset in the top left.

Period: 1930s

Romance: M/M, Late in life romance, Asexual, Bisexual, Polyamorous

Content notes: Click here to reveal

The cover of Best Foot Forward has a deep red background with map markings in a dull purple. Two men in silhouette stand, looking up at a point in the top left. An astrology chart with different symbols picked out takes up the left side of the image, with glowing stars curving up to the title.
Best Foot Forward

Showing books 1-8 of 8


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