One way to save a little money is to buy directly from me. If you click the “Direct (via Payhip)” link on any book page, you can buy and download the ePub file directly from me. Use the coupon code THANKYOU to save 10% over the cost on other sites.
Payhip also lets me offer bundles and collections for a discount – more coming about that in 2025.
My book budget definitely doesn’t keep up with all the books I want to read! Every month or three, I aim to have one of my books as part of a sale or promotion.
It’s a great chance for you to pick up a book on sale, share my books with friends who might like them, and generally have more books to read!
I always let my newsletter know a couple of weeks before upcoming sales, so that’s the place to look for updates. I also let people know on social media when the sale goes live. I do rotate which books go on sale, though it depends on the focus of the promotions I join and other factors.
Current sales
Pastiche will be available for free around February 3rd (from about the 1st through the 7th) as part of the FaRoFeb Blast, a promotion sharing free fantasy romance books. Keep an eye on my newsletter and social media for more about this as we get close to the day.