Reading order

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Most of my books are designed to be read in any order. However, they focus on different points in time, different situations, and different parts of Albion’s magic and community. (And there are a couple of books you might want to read in order, especially if you prefer to avoid plot spoilers. More below.)

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Reading order notes

The Mysterious Fields trilogy should be read in order – it’s one romance (and plot) over three books.

Reading Goblin Fruit before On The Bias is likely more fun. (Or check out Ancient Trust, a free novella that introduces both Geoffrey Carillon and Thomas Benton when they return to Albion in 1922. This one’s not a romance.)

Fool’s Gold can be read in any order you like, but contains detailed spoilers for the events of Seven Sisters.

The Land Mysteries series (running from 1935 to 1947) does have a larger arc through the series about the land magic and different responses to it. They can be read in any order, except that I highly recommend reading Old As The Hills before Upon A Summer’s Day (they form a duology around a particular question).

Members of specific families

You can find books relating to some key families who appear in a number of books. The books are in chronological order by when they take place, which also makes a good entry point to the family. (You can start with the Fortier and Landry families with either Enchanted Net or Eclipse, depending whether you’d start with the Victorian era or the 1920s).

Where can I learn more?

If you’d like to find more books involving a particular character, place, or theme, I have an authorial wiki where you can learn more about Albion, and make connections between characters, places, events, and stories. Let me know if you’d like to know more about a specific topic.

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