Books in context

Are you looking for books with a particular kind of relationship, character, lived experience, trope, or more? Links will take you to a page with all the relevant books and additional information with the books sorted based on when they occur.

The lists are based on the main characters in the book. You can find more about characters and what other books they appear in on my authorial wiki (search for the name or explore under “People”).

Type of romance : Sexuality and orientation : Character
Occupations, interests, and groups : Focus and tropes

Type of romance:

The majority of my romances are M/F romances, but there are exceptions, featuring characters who have a range of preferences, orientations, and relationships.

Sexuality and orientation:


Occupations, interests, and groups


Books focusing on members of particular families (begin anywhere you like, but here’s where to find more of them).

Focus and tropes

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