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If you’re seeing this, I’ve added you to my announcements only section of my email list. Instead of getting an email most Fridays, you’ll only get one when I’ve got an announcement.

These will generally be:

  • The week before a new book comes out (with the cover and more information about the book).
  • The new release email with all the links and a bit of detail about the book.
  • A once-a-year round up of what I’ve done that year and am planning on for the next year.

You’ll still be able to get any extras by going to the link in any email from me and following the link just below the header image.

At any time, you can swap back to the weekly emails full of behind the scenes details, writing and research notes, and whatever else I’m up to. Just drop me a note (reply to any email from me or use the contact form) or click the relevant link in one of the announcement emails.

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