Charms of Albion

The Charms of Albion books are standalone romances exploring Albion outside the period of the Great War and 1920s. They connect to characters who appear in the 1920s books, but can be read in any order. My authorial wiki can help if you want to make more connections between characters, places, and events.

  • Pastiche is the arranged marriage to love match of Alysoun and Richard in 1906, helped by a mystery found in some stained glass.
  • Sailor’s Jewel finds Rhoe falling in love unexpectedly in 1901 while on an Atlantic crossing with her brother and a magical jewel.
  • Four Walls and a Heart is Gil and Magni’s novella romance in 1884 while Gil is coming to grips with a life-changing injury and Magni is on the cusp of a promotion.

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