Charms of Albion

The Charms of Albion books are standalone romances exploring Albion outside the period of the Great War and 1920s. They connect to characters who appear in the 1920s books, but can be read in any order. My authorial wiki can help if you want to make more connections between characters, places, and events.

  • Pastiche is the arranged marriage to love match of Alysoun and Richard in 1906, helped by a mystery found in some stained glass.
  • Sailor’s Jewel finds Rhoe falling in love unexpectedly in 1901 while on an Atlantic crossing with her brother and a magical jewel.
  • Four Walls and a Heart is Gil and Magni’s novella romance in 1884 while Gil is coming to grips with a life-changing injury and Magni is on the cusp of a promotion.

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Period: Edwardian

Romance: M/F, First relationship

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Cover of Pastiche. A man and woman in Edwardian dress silhouetted against a bright teal background, with a stained glass window in golden yellow and muted purple behind them.

Period: Edwardian

Romance: M/F, Late in life romance

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Cover of Sailor's Jewel. A plump woman in flowing artistic dress and a man in an Edwardian suit are silhouetted against a blue background. An ocean liner is behind them, bow facing the viewer.
Sailor's Jewel

Period: Victorian

Romance: M/M, Gay

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The cover of Four Walls and a Heart has a bright red background with a blue door. Two men are silhouetted against the background, one of slighter build in a Victorian wheelchair, missing his lower left leg, the other standing and talking, one hand at his side. Both are wearing hats, and they are intently focused on each other.
Four Walls and a Heart

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Content notes

Arranged marriage to lovers trope. Main character dealing with what we would call fibromyalgia (and they called fibrositis). Main character who is part of the Guard, Albion’s equivalent of a police force (among other things) and ongoing discussion of his current work and duties. Duelling. Secondary character who is an amputee due to war injuries.
Sailor's Jewel
Main character is a healer: discussion of her work (without extensive medical detail) throughout. A secondary character is a widower whose much-loved wife died in childbirth. Nasty gossip and references to bigotry about characters who are not entirely human, or do not fit neatly into societal expectations.
Four Walls and a Heart
M/M friends to lovers romance, while one of the protagonists is dealing with amputation of his lower leg. Contains some homophobia from minor characters (unpleasant disapproval, not violence, from a family member). Also contains some references to the uneven path of healing. Other protagonist is a member of Albion’s Guard, responsible for public safety and law enforcement considerations (his duties are referenced, but not the focus of the plot).

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