
The problem of names


Names are important. They have power, they indicate things. And they’re also sometimes confusing. 

A reader mentioned recently that this can be confusing (alas, yes, though more below about how I try to make that a little easier). Today, it’s time to talk about why those different names and forms of address matter. 

Copy of Best Foot Forward lying on a bed of sand, covered by an enamelled Horus medallion. The cover has a deep red background with map markings in a dull purple. Two men in silhouette stand, looking up at a point in the top left. An astrology chart with different symbols picked out takes up the left side of the image, with glowing stars curving up to the title.

Buying books: the landscape from an indie author perspective


Right now, a lot of people are (for various reasons) rethinking where they get their books. I’ve been seeing a lot of comments about it. Along with the comments, I’ve been realising how many pieces of the underlying landscape aren’t very visible to readers. This blog post is here to explain a couple of pieces of the landscape, for those who want more information to make their choices.

Here, I’m talking about indie authors (people who self-publish their own work), though some of this also applies to small presses. As I note where relevant, trad publishers (especially the huge ones) work under different rules.

We’re going to talk about the overall landscape, then different sources of ebooks, print, audio. I wrap up with what I do and what readers and authors might do about different aspects of this.

Bound for Perdition displayed on a phone, standing on and surrounded by stacks of leatherbound books. The cover of Bound for Perdition has a man and woman silhouetted in dark brown on a green and brown background, with the woman holding a book while the man gestures. An open blank book and pen are inset in the top right corner.

Mysterious Fields is coming!


It’s my first trilogy! One romance – and substantial plot – playing out over three books. I’m so excited to share Thessaly and Vitus’s stories with you – along with everyone else in these novels.

This trilogy is about finding the difference between what you’re told to want and what you actually desire. It’s full of siblings making different choices about how to love and support their brother or sister (or in one case, not.) It’s about the patterns that families make and uphold – some much better for everyone than others. And it’s about falling in love, finding a way through the difficult times together, and coming out into the sun with hope for the future. And it’s about how the spirit of invention and experimentation brings both great delights – and new threats.

Oh, and it’s also full of Council politics, six deaths, and a wedding.


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