The Changing Door

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The Changing Door - extras for Old As The Hills and Upon A Summer's Day by Celia Lake

"The Changing Door" is an extra of 45,000 words.

It takes place in 1940 and into early 1941, during and following the events of Old As The Hills and Upon A Summer's Day.

Content note details
Deals with the Blitz and other events of World War Two taking place, a key event in Gabe's life, and a fair amount of exhaustion.

June 14th, 1940: The first section, "Livia's Death" follows Isembard Fortier once he hears from Thesan about Livia's death. He goes immediately to Dinas Emrys to help his brother, Garin

Gabe's request:  Gabriel Edgarton makes a request of the Council, for something that really ought to happen on the solstice.

A ritual discussion:  Alexander Landry hosts a conversation about a particularly bad ritual idea that brings Geoffrey Carillon and Cyrus Smythe-Clive into more agreeable conversation.

A reaction to Gabe's requirement: Garin throws a fit about one of Gabe's requirements.

The question of Gabe: Several Penelopes discuss the current state of Gabe (including Witt, Mason, Isobel).

Preparing for a fight and After the fight: Two conversations around Geoffrey Carillon testing Gabe's level of skill. (One between Geoffrey and Benton, one between Geoffrey and Alexander).

Before the Challenge: Gabe's uncles, Gil and Magni, want to see how he's doing.

Historical cases: Mason, Witt and Lucy Doyle share their accumulated knowledge of notable deaths and related cases associated with the Council.

The uncles have questions: Gil and Magni have a chance to catch up with Gabe in the aftermath of recent events.

Alexander's turn: Alexander takes his turn talking about the experience of his Challenge.

The question of names: Avigail Edgarton wonders what name or title she should use for Alexander Landry (with help from her father).

Interviewing for a secretary: Gabe (finally) hires a secretary, much to the relief of everyone who knows him well.

Begins: 1940-06
Period: Second World War
Romance: M/F, Established relationship
Content notes: Click here to reveal
By Celia

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