Silent Circuit


On the summer solstice, Thessaly’s world was changed forever, with an unexpected death. Now, she’s frantically trying to figure out what’s going on and what happened. The Fortiers - the family she will be marrying into - won’t tell her anything. Her fiancé, Childeric, has turned nasty. And he’s challenging to fill the Council seat left open by Thessaly’s beloved aunt. Thessaly has to step carefully but she’s already the centre of unwanted gossip.

Vitus wants nothing more than to support her, but he’s wise enough to know that his presence can’t possibly help anything. Weeks ago, he dared to kiss Thessaly - at her request. The gossip since then has put him in a difficult position, and she doesn’t dare see him, even in the most proper circumstances. He’s thrown himself into building his business as best he can and into his studies about new forms of magic.

Something has to change, but neither of them can figure out what they can do. Individually - and eventually together - they need to find the power to move forward and make their own choices. A gift from Thessaly’s aunt and an utterly unexpected outcome of Childeric’s challenge open a door to new possibilities.

The second book in the Mysterious Fields trilogy follows Thessaly and Vitus’s story and romance - but their happily ever after won’t come until book three. Join them as they learn more from books and each other, share their desires, and name the many challenges they want to overcome together. Set in 1889, this book about the magical community of Victorian Britain should be read after Enchanted Net, book one in the trilogy.

Contains family and magical politics including multiple murders (nothing graphic on the page) and grief afterwards. Secrets, bad life decisions, and damage to secondary characters from people they thought they could trust.

At the beginning of book 1, Thessaly becomes betrothed in an arranged match and in book 2 it becomes increasingly clear there's a problem. This includes threats to both her and those she cares about and one brief moment of physical anger. The book involves another death and a difficult aftermath and funeral as well as a puzzling death near the end of the book.

Explore other books about members of the Fortier and Landry families:


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