Interstitial Moments

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Interstitial Moments : an extra for Best Foot Forward by Celia Lake

"Interstitial Moments" is a collection of three extras, with a total of 25K words

It covers the year following the events of Best Foot ForwardThe dates on some episodes overlap.

Content note details
Contains references to longstanding grief (Alexander), difficult family events (Geoffrey and Alexander). It also contains how Alexander becomes part of the Carillon family.

May 28th, 1935: Geoffrey Carillon debriefs with his intelligence handler, Lapidoth Manse, about his adventures in Berlin.

May 21st, 1935: Benton talks with Geoffrey the afternoon he returns home. There are a number of changes in the offing. Benton arranges things, of course.

Later, Lizzie checks with Benton, whether he has questions about the situation, and there is an interesting conversation over supper.

May 28th, 1935: Geoffrey consults Benton about his opinions, specifically about Alexander.

Late July: Benton adds the final touches before a gathering.

May 8th, 1935: Lizzie consults with Thesan about some of Alexander's preferences.

August 6th: Alexander finds Isembard in the duelling salle for a conversation with several unexpected twists and turns.

August 10th: Thesan and Isembard deepen some connections and meet some new ones in a visit to Ytene.

August 12th: Isembard and Gabe get to know each other, doing a thing they both enjoy a great deal. Duelling.

August 15th: Thesan presses Alexander to answer a few minor points, about how things are changing.

August 17th: Isembard and Alexander visit Perry Judson's grave together.

May 10th, 1936: Thesan talks to Alexander about the changes of the past year, and what she understands about it.

Begins: 1935-05
Period: 1930s
Romance: M/M/F, Asexual, Polyamorous
Content notes: Click here to reveal
By Celia

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