Books where violence (including a murder or two) takes place in the background, or which take place during a time of war, with the impact of that as part of the plot.
Showing books 1-12 of 12
Forged in CombatPasticheShoemaker's Wife
On The BiasIn The CardsMagician's HoardThe Hare and the Oak
Best Foot ForwardOld As The Hills
Upon A Summer's DayIllusion of a BoarThree Graces
Period: 1920s
Romance: M/F, First relationship, Late in life romance, Demisexual
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Period: 1930s
Romance: M/M, Late in life romance, Asexual, Bisexual, Polyamorous
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Period: Second World War
Romance: M/F, M/M/F, Established relationship
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Showing books 1-12 of 12