
Celia Lake spends her days as a librarian in the Boston (MA) metro area, and her nights and weekends at home happily writing, reading, and researching for her books about magical Albion. Born and raised in Massachusetts to British parents, she naturally embraced British spelling, classic mysteries, and the Oxford comma before she learned there were any other options.

The problem of names


Names are important. They have power, they indicate things. And they’re also sometimes confusing. 

A reader mentioned recently that this can be confusing (alas, yes, though more below about how I try to make that a little easier). Today, it’s time to talk about why those different names and forms of address matter. 

Copy of Best Foot Forward lying on a bed of sand, covered by an enamelled Horus medallion. The cover has a deep red background with map markings in a dull purple. Two men in silhouette stand, looking up at a point in the top left. An astrology chart with different symbols picked out takes up the left side of the image, with glowing stars curving up to the title.

Buying books: the landscape from an indie author perspective


Right now, a lot of people are (for various reasons) rethinking where they get their books. I’ve been seeing a lot of comments about it. Along with the comments, I’ve been realising how many pieces of the underlying landscape aren’t very visible to readers. This blog post is here to explain a couple of pieces of the landscape, for those who want more information to make their choices.

Here, I’m talking about indie authors (people who self-publish their own work), though some of this also applies to small presses. As I note where relevant, trad publishers (especially the huge ones) work under different rules.

We’re going to talk about the overall landscape, then different sources of ebooks, print, audio. I wrap up with what I do and what readers and authors might do about different aspects of this.

Bound for Perdition displayed on a phone, standing on and surrounded by stacks of leatherbound books. The cover of Bound for Perdition has a man and woman silhouetted in dark brown on a green and brown background, with the woman holding a book while the man gestures. An open blank book and pen are inset in the top right corner.

Levels of magical power


Today’s topic about levels of magical power comes from a question on one of the current running series of extras for patrons on Patreon. (More about the context below.) The question is about levels of power, and how Garin (and more generally Lords of the land) fit into that. 

This post makes a quick tour through ‘how do we define magically powerful’. Then we’ll look at some specific character examples. I’ve avoided plot spoilers in those!

Cover of Grown Wise: A silhouetted man and woman in 1940s clothes, walking together as he reaches for a branch full of apples. The background is a muted green and brown, scattered with a swoosh of golden light. Resting on a wooden table with white blossoms around the edges.

The Pact


The Pact has been a foundational magic of Albion since 1484. After my post about apprenticeship, I had several great questions from people who wanted to know more about specific aspects. This post covers the basics of the Pact. The following post (up on the same day) gets into making the Pact in more detail.

Upon A Summer's Day displayed on a tablet in a sunset scene looking out across water to fields beyond, all of it glowing golden and sparkling with magic. The cover of Upon A Summer's Day shows a man in a suit silhouetted over a map of northern Wales in a muted green. He is gesturing, holding his cane in one hand, a cap on his head. Behind him is an astrological chart, with Jupiter and Saturn highlighted in the sign of Taurus.

Apprenticing in Albion


I had a question from a reader recently about how professional training works in Albion. Today’s post is about apprenticing in general, and next week’s will talk about Healers and related professions in more detail.

Cover of Outcrossing displayed on a weathered wood board, with a horseshoe and lucky clover.

Plans for 2025


Hello to my plans for 2025! (You can check out what came out in 2024) As you know if you’ve been reading me for a little, you know that I plan a fair bit out in advance at this point. There’s room for things to move around, but these are fairly stable points.

(This is due to a combination of how I schedule writing and needing to plan out the background research.)

I’ve also got some updates to the website, direct sales via Payhip, and so on in the works over my winter vacation time. (Keep an eye out here and on the newsletter for an update when those are done.)


2024 in review


It’s the end of the calendar year, and that means it’s time for a roundup of the year. Read on for what was published, what I’ve written, the extras shared this year, and what’s on the Patreon!


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