Welcome to my website. I’m Celia Lake, and I hope you enjoy my books! Here’s a quick guide to more about me and my books.

I’m the sort of person who loves to share information – I am a librarian, by profession! You can check out my content notes to learn more about what’s in a specific book, or my authorial wiki for tons of details. I’m also always up for questions via the contact form, or reply to any newsletter email.
The world of Albion
You can learn more about the world of my books, Albion (one of the ancient names for Great Britain) and subscribers to my newsletter get behind the scenes notes and additional material (like short stories) as I write them.
Got a question? Ask away, and I’ll be glad to answer what I can without spoilers. You can reach me through the contact form (or reply to any newsletter email). That page also has more info about the places I am online.
Future plans
Curious what I’m working on? Here are the next few books I have planned in more detail.
About me
And for those curious (and wanting more than the brief bio other places on the Internet), here’s a bit more about me.