Free Books & Sales

I want to make sure people can check out my books even if their book budgets are tight. This page lists books that are free, upcoming sales, and has a little info on how to request books via your library.

Free books | Coming sales | Library info

Free books

My first book, Outcrossing, is available for free where you get your ebooks. Rufus is struggling to keep his life together in 1922 after tremendous personal losses and the Great War. Ferry has taken a job as a governess to avoid an unwanted marriage. When Rufus gets caught up with smugglers in England’s New Forest, they have to figure out a way to move forward.

Cover of Outcrossing. A silhouetted man and woman in 1920s clothing standing next to each other, silhouetted on a green background. A chestnut pony's head is inset in the top right.

Prequel Novella

You can get Ancient Trust , a prequel novella set in 1922, by signing up for my newsletter, joining us on Discord, or becoming a patron on Patreon at any paid level. (The first two of those options are free, and you’re welcome to unsubscribe at any time, of course. More about Patreon over here.)

Ancient Trust is a great way to get to know Lord Geoffrey Carillon and his valet, Thomas Benton, as they return to Albion when Carillon inherits the land magic after the death of his older brother. It overlaps with the events of Outcrossing and introduces a number of other ongoing characters in Albion including Alysoun and Richard Edgarton and Giles Lefton.

The cover of Ancient Trust has a man in silhouette with a monocle leaning on a table piled with books on a background of bright spring green and golden yellow, with an owl looking down from an inset in the top left.

Upcoming Sales

I always let my newsletter know a couple of weeks before upcoming sales, so that’s the place to look for updates. I also let people know on social media when the sale goes live. I do rotate which books go on sale, though it depends on the focus of the promotions I join and other factors.


As a librarian, I absolutely love readers getting my books via libraries. If that’s what works for you, please do! Different libraries get ebooks for their communities in different ways, so check with your local library to find out more about your options. However, here’s what I can tell you.

My books are available to libraries through Overdrive, Hoopla, Bibliotheca/CloudLibrary, and Palace Marketplace. These cover the major services libraries use for ebooks. (They’re also available in paperback.)

You can often find a form to make a request either on your library’s website or from their catalog. They’ll want to know the author and title of the book or books you’re suggesting they buy. If you don’t see a form, try the contact email or chat options, and let them know you’re a library user in their area.

Libraries can usually take it from there. Let them know my books are on those services! But if you or they have any questions, just use the contact form and I’m glad to help.

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