A few updates around the place


If you’ve been by here in the last week, you’ll notice a few updates around here.

A new page for the books

These include more information about each series, and quick links to the books in order. (Here’s the main books page, the Mysterious Charm series page, and the Charms of Albion page.) Let me know if there’s more information you’d find useful here.

Content notes

I know that there are some things you might not be in the mood to read (right now or ever), and also that some of you might be particularly interested in finding books that focus on certain things or characters. I’ve got a shiny new content notes page that fills in some of this information. (It does include some spoilers, though I’ve tried to avoid them as much as I can.)

If there’s something I haven’t covered, or something you’d like more information about, you’re always welcome to write and check with me.

Coming soon

I’m working on a way to more easily share some additional information with you, like maps and timelines. Keep an eye out here and elsewhere on social media for updates.

By Celia

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