Forged in Combat is out!


I’m delighted to share Forged in Combat, a prequel novella for the Mysterious Powers series. It’s the romance of Arthur and Melusina, parents of Roland in Carry On. It takes place mostly in 1882 in the Viceroy’s Palace in Calcutta.

Cover of Forged in Combat on a grey background with a scattering silver stars. A man and a woman in silhouette on a teal green background. She is wearing a Victorian bustle dress, his clothing fits with military uniform of the time. A bright red hibiscus highlights the top corner of the cover.

Melusina is building her own career as mistress of warding and protection magics. Arthur is following the well-trod traditions of his family in the Army. When Melusina takes on an assignment to help with a tricky safe problem in the Viceroy’s office, they find themselves collaborating – and more than collaborating.

  • Competence
  • Navigating social expectations
  • Difficult colleagues
  • A strategically useful bustle
  • Reevaluating assumptions
  • Lock picks
  • Sparking passion

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By Celia

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