I have multiple series that take place in the 1920s, in the aftermath of the Great War (and a few titles during it, as well.)
Mysterious Charm focuses on Lord Geoffrey Carillon and his various connections.
Mysterious Powers explores the institutions of Albion and the magical community of Britain – everything from education to banks to the magical portals that network the country.
Mysterious Arts (ongoing) delights in the various arts and crafts of Albion, exploring art forms ranging from music and theatre to jewellery making and weaving
Mysterious Charm
Showing books 1-7 of 7
Period: 1920s
Romance: M/F, First relationship, Late in life romance, Demisexual
Content notes: Click here to reveal

Period: 1920s
Romance: M/F, First relationship, Late in life romance, Closed door, Demisexual
Content notes: Click here to reveal

Showing books 1-7 of 7

Mysterious Powers
Showing books 1-8 of 8
Period: 1920s
Romance: M/F, First relationship, Demisexual, Bisexual
Content notes: Click here to reveal

Showing books 1-8 of 8

Mysterious Arts
Showing books 1-5 of 5
Showing books 1-5 of 5